What is depression?
It is an affective disorder characterized by pathological changes in mood.
WHO defines Depression as common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy & poor concentration .
Etiology or Risk factors:
- Fertile Ground Theory : It states that depression must have hereditary or physical vulnerability to the changes that causes mood regulating system to fail when life stresses exceed the person's ability to cope with them.
- Biochemical Theory : It postulates deficiency of neurotransmitters (noradrenaline, serotonin & dopamine) in certain areas of brain.
- Dopaminergic activity : Reduced in case of depression & increased in case of mania
- Genetic causes
- Environmemtal factors
- Endocrine pathology : Hypothyroidism, cushing syndrome
- Hormonal changes
- Abuse of drugs or Alcohol
- Physical illness: Viral illness, Neurological disorders, Multiple sclerosis, Diabetes, Addison's disease etc
Theories for depression:
Biogenic Amine Hypothesis: deficiency of monamines particularly noradrenaline, serotonin.
Receptor sensitivity Hypothesis: Depression is caused by pathological alterations in receptor site.
The Serotonine only hypothesis: Alteration or decrease in levels of serotonine leads to depression.
The Permissive Hypothesis: Fall in levels of serotonine & noradrenaline causes depression. the emotional behaviour is controlled by these two neurotrasmiters. If the level of serotonin falls & noradrenaline remains same or abnormally high the patient becomes manic.
The Electrolyte Membrane Hypothesis: Hypercalcemia is associated with depression.
The Neuroendocrine Hypothesis: Altered endocrine levels lead to pathological mood changes
precipitating & predisposing factors causes cognitive appraisal leading to threat to loss of self esteem causing weakening of ego & inability of patient to use coping & defense mechanisms leads to maladaptive response causing exaggerated grief & clinical depression.
If the response of patient is adaptive it causes uncomplicated bereavement & denial of loss.
- Atypical depression
- Post partum depression
- Catatonic depression
- Melancholic depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Dysthymic depression
- Situational depression
- Psychotic depression
Severity of depression:
Mild episode: Lasts for 2 weeks with atleast 1 usual symptoms of depressive episodes
Moderate episode: Lasts for 2 weeks with atleast 2 usual depressive episodes & atleast 3-4 common symptoms
Severe episode: lasts for more than 2 weeks with all usual depressive symptoms & 3-4 common symptoms.
Sign & Symptoms:
Physical state:
- Altered sleep
- Low energy
- Agitation
- Fatigue
- Changes in brain chemistry
Emotional state:
- Discouragement
- Sadness
- Irritability
- Hallucination
- Numbness
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Negative thinking habits
- Harsh self criticism
- Unrealistic thoughts
- Social Withdrawl
- Poor self care
- Reduced activity
- Suicidal tendency
Intellectual & Cognitive symptoms:
- Decreased ability to concentrate
- Slow thinking
- Poor memory
Medical & Nursing Management :
Pharmac measures:
- Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors: Isocarboxazid, Clorgyline
- TriCyclic Acid Inhibitors: Imipramine, Clomipramine
- Selective Serotonine Reuptake Inhibitors: Fluxetine, Sertaline
- Atypical Antidepressants: Bupropion, Trazodone
Non Pharmac Therapy :
Life style changes:
- Stress reduction measures
- Social support
- Adequate sleep
Psychotherapy :
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Interpersonal therapy
- Psychodynamic therapy
- Electroconvulsive therapy
Talk with patient
Remove all harmful articles away from patient
Provide positive reinforcement to the patient
Allow patient to achieve small tasks for increasing self esteem
Ask patient about episodes of hallucinations
Keep patient NBO status before ECT
Distinctive Facts:
- Ix : MSE, ICD 10 Classification
- Thinking is often pessimistic
- Hypersomnia & libido may be seen
- Ideas of suicide is very common
- Smiling depression is most common Type of depression
- Usual symptoms: Depressed mood, Loss of interest & enjoyment, reduced energy leading to fatiguability & diminished activity.
Up to 60% of people who die of suicide have a mood disorder such as major depression, and the risk is especially high if a person has a marked sense of hopelessness.Around 90% of those with severe or psychotic depression, experience recurrence. Continuing antidepressant medications after recovery can reduce the chance of relapse by 70%.