Aug 8, 2020


                            PARKINSON'S DISEASE
 Parkinson disease is named for the English doctor James Parkinson. In 1817 he described a chronic, slowly progressive disease of the nervous system characterized by a combination of tremor, rigidity, and stooped posture. 11 April is considered as World Parkinson day on the birthday of James Parkinson. Red tulip is the symbol of this disease.

It is a progressive brain disorder characterized by loss of neurons in an area of midbrain known as substantia nigra.

Etiogical causes leads to degeneration of monamine containg cell population in brain stem & basal ganglia particularly dopamine affecting to brain & spinal cord  causing neurotoxicity causing cell death

Etiology & risk factors:
  • Idiopathic Parkinsonism
  • Secondary Parkinsonism:
  1. Drug induced: Neuroleptics, antiemetics, lithium
  2. Hydrocephalus
  3. Hypoxia
  4. Toxins: carbon monoxide, cyanide, methanol
  5. Infections: AIDS
  6. Metabolic: Hypo/Hyper calcemia, Wilson's disease, chronic hepatocerebral brain degeneration
  7. Psychogenic
  8. Trauma
  9. Vascular causes
  10. Parkinson plus syndromes:
  11. Multiple system atrophy
  12. Progressive supranuclear palsy
  13. Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration
  14. Progrssive pallidial atrophy
  15. Lytico-Bodig : It is referred to by neuroscientists as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia.
  • Heredodegenerative disease:
  1. Alzheimer's disease
  2. Dementia with lewy bodies
  3. Pick's disease
  4. Huntington's disease
  5. X linked dystonia parkinsonism
  • Genetic factors:
  1. Alanine 53- threonine mutation
  2. The parkin gene dominant

Sign & Symptoms:
Cardinal features:
  • It means decreased movements characterized by delay in initiation & execution of willed movements & a general reduction of automatic movements.
  • It manifests:
  1. Facial Hypomania
  2. Reduced blinking
  3. Impaired ocular convergence
  4. Bradylalia
  5. Anarthria
  6. Drooling of saliva
  7. Micrographia
  8. Slow shuffling gait with reduced associated movements

Muscle Rigidity:
  1. It is characterized by resistance to passive movements that affects flexion, extension, pronation & supination.
  2. Axial & proximal limb muscles rigidity will be present.
  3. Cogwheel Rigidity: It is characterized by periodic modification of muscle tone due to superimposed tremor that can be seen & felt when passively moving the extremity.
  4. Akinetic rigid syndrome is the characteristic of PD which is seen in due to abnormal dopaminergic input in to brain.

Resting tremors: 
  1. It is characterized by pill rolling between thumb & index finger
  2. Illegible writing
  3. Tremors may increase due to emotional response, fatigue, stress, anxiety & disturbed sleep pattern.
  4. It typically affects the distal appendicular muscles causing:
  • Abduction- adduction movemen ts of thumb [pill rolling]
  • Pronation-supination movements of wrist
  • Often unilateral involving thumb & fingers
  • Lower limp of same side will be affected before involving opposite side of body.
  • Tremors of lips, head & jaw may be seen

Disorder of postural fixation:
  1. May affect head, trunk & limbs causing:
  2. Instability of trunk
  3. Forward displacement of head
  4. Difficulty in maintaining erect posture
  5. Slight leaning forward while standing
  6. Parkinson's gait

Freezing phenomenon:
  1. Motor act stucks in place lasting for seconds
  2. The voluntary acts are halted as agonist & antagonist muscles are spontaneously contracting.
  3. This phenomenon include:
  4. Freezing when initiating gait [start hesitation]
  5. Freezing when turning [turn hesitation]
  6. Freezing when approaching the target [destination hesitation]
  7. Freezing when obstacle is encountered 
  8. Repetition of first syllable
  9. Apraxia of eye opening
  10. Freezing of limbs [during writing & brushing teeth]

Other features:
  1. Parkinson Posture: Forward flexion of trunk, flexion of elbows & partial flexion of knees
  2. Prkinsonian hand: Dorsiflexion of wrist, extensoion & adduction of fingers, slight ulnar deviation, flexion of metacarpophalangeal joints
  3. Dystonic foot posture: Extension of great toe, flexion of toes, arching of sole & inversion of foot
  4. Hpokinetic dysarthria
  5. Palilalia
  6. Bradyphrenia
  7. Hypophonia

Behavioural Signs:
  1. Depression 
  2. Sudden onset of sleep
  3. Bent spine syndrome

Medical & Nursing Management:
  • Antiparkinsonian drug: Levadopa, carbidopa levadopa
  • Dopamine receptor agonists: Pergolide, Bromocriptine, Pramipexole
  • Selegiline
  • Catchechol O- methyltranferase: entocapone, tolcapne
  • Acetylcholine blocking drugs: Biperiden, Procyclidine
  • Monitor neurological status
  • Encourage respiratory changes
  • Encourage exercise
  • Passive ROM 
  • Weight Patient
  • Advice patient to take medicines & reduces risk of falls
  • Encourage diet high in protein & calories
  • Encourage soft diet

Distinctive facts:
  • Ix: CSF analysis shows decrease in dopamine levels
  • Sx: Thalomotomy, pallidotomy, deep brain stimulation
  • Cx: Dementia
  • Dopamine level will decrease 
  • Occurs between 45-65 years
  • Lewy bodies may be absent
  • Autosomal dominant & autosomal recessive gene inheritance may be identified

It is progressive disorder with no cure. symptoms may be managed with medicines & may come off when medicine stops.


                               DISEASES & DRUGS
  • It is one of the important responsibilities of the medical personnel especially doctors to prescribe drug as per the symptoms & diagnosis of the patient.
  • A basic idea about the use of drugs & its effectiveness is mandatory.

  • Here are some of the infections & their choice of drugs:

  1. Drug of choice for cryptoccocus: Flucanazole
  2. Drug of choice for systemic fungal infection: Amphotericin B
  3. Drug of choice for vulvovaginal candidiasis: Flucanazole
  4. Drug of choice for Pyrazinamide induced hyperuricemia: Aspirin
  5. Drug of choice for relapsing fever: Tetracycline
  6. Drug of choice for cholera: Doxycycline
  7. Drug of choice for tick typhus: Tetracycline
  8. Drug of choice for syphilis: Penicillin G
  9. Drug of choice for toxoplasmosis: Cotrimoxazole
  10. Drug of choice for spotted mountain fever: Tetracycline
  11. Drug of choice for scrub typhus: Tetracycline
  12. Drug of choice for surgical prophylaxis: Cefazolin
  13. Drug of choice for community acquired pneumonia: Clarithromycin
  14. Drug of choice for Tapeworm: Praziquentel
  15. Drug of choice for thread worm: Ivermectin
  16. Drug of choice for filarial worm: Ivermectin
  17. Drug of choice for hook worm: Albendazole
  18. Drug of choice for guinea worm: Albendazole
  19. Drug of choice for round worm: Albendazole
  20. Drug of choice for pin worm: Albendaole
  21. Drug of choice for aspergillosis: Amphotrecin B
  22. Drug of choice for leshmaniasis: Amphotrecin B
  23. Drug of choice for Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: Spiramycin
  24. Drug of choice for Enterococcus fecalis: Ampicillin
  25. Drug of choice for listeria monocytogenes: Ampicillin
  26. Drug of choice for Filariasis: Diethyl Carbamazine [DEC]
  27. Drug of choice for scabies: Ivermectin / Permethrine
  28. Drug of choice for Leptospirosis: Penicillins
  29. Drug of choice for typhoid: Ceftriaxone
  30. Drug of choice for influenza: Oseltamivir
  31. Drug of choice for herpes simplex: Acyclovir
  32. Drug of choice for herpes zoster: Valacyclovir
  33. Drug of choice for leprosy: Dapsone/ Rifampicin
  34. Drug of choice for actinomycosis: Penicillin G
  35. Drug of choice for brucella: Streptomycin
  36. Drug of choice for plague: Streptomycin
  37. Drug of choice for kala azar: Miltefosine / Sodium stibogluconate
  38. Drug of choice for lymphogranuloma venereum: Azithromycin
  39. Drug of choice for dysuria: Phenazopyridine
  40. Drug of choice for gonorrhea: Procaine Penicillin
  41. Drug of choice for anthrax: Doxycycline
  42. Drug of choice for Haemophilus influenza type B: Rifampicin
  43. Drug of choice for prophylaxis TB: Isoniazide
  44. Drug of choice for diarrhea in HIV patient: Octreotide
  45. Drug of choice for Hepatitis B: Limuvidine
  46. Drug of choice for Hepatits C: Ribavarine & Interferron 2 alpha
  47. Drug of choice for salmonella: Ceftriaxone
  48. Drug of choice for meningitis: Ceftriaxone
  49. Drug of choice for gonorrhea: Ceftriaxone
  50. Drug of choice for Trichomoniasis: Metronidazole
  51. Drug of choice for bacterial lactamase extended spectrum: Carbapenem
  52. Drug of choice for otitis media: Amoxicillin
  53. Drug of choice for nocardia: Sulfonamides
  54. Drug of choice for Neurosyphillis: Aqueous penicillin
  55. Drug of choice for MDR strains for TB patients: Amikacin
  56. Drug of choice for accidental exposure og HIV health care workers: Zodovudine with Lamivudine
  57. Drug of choice for neisseria: Ceftriaxone
  58. Drug of choice for cellulitis: oxacillin
  59. Drug of choice for microspora: Albendazole
  60. Drug of choice forhistoplasmosis: Amphotrecin B
  61. Drug of choice for dermatitis herpetiformis: Aspirin
  62. Drug of choice for post splenectomy sepsis: Ceftraixone
  63. Drug of choice for impetigo: Penicillin G
  64. Drug of choice for animal bite: Ampicillin
  65.  Drug of choice for toxic shock syndrome: Penicillin with clindamycin
  66. Drug of choice for dirty wound prophylaxis: Cefazoline
  67. Drug of choice for lice infection: 1% Permethrin
  68. Drug of choice for dental prophylaxis for endocarditis: Clarithromycin
  69. Drug of choice for UTI: Aminoglycosides
  70. Drug of choice for cholera in children: Cotrimoxazole
  71. Drug of choice for MRSA: Vancomycin
  72. Drug of choice for trench mouth: Metronidazole
  73. Drug of choice for whooping cough: Erythromycin
  74. Drug of choice for candida: Flucanazole
  75. Drug of choice for trachoma: Azithromycin
  76. Drug of choice for giardiasis: Metronidazole
  77. Drug of choice for tetanus: Metronidazole
  78. Drug of choice for cerebral malaria: Artesunate
  79. Drug of choice for plasmodium vivax: Chloroquine
  80. Drug of choice for Plasmodium falciparum: Artesunate + Pyrimethamine + Sulfadoxine

Types of IV solutions:

  • 0.9% NS
  • 5% Dextrose in water
  • 5% Dextrose in 0.2255 saline
  • Ringer lactate

  • 0.45% NS
  • 0.225% NS
  • 0.33% NS

  • 3% NS
  • 5% NS
  • 10% Dextrose in water
  • 5% Dextrose in 0.9% NS
  • 5% Dextrose in 0.45% NS
  • 5% Dextrose in RL

  • Dextran
  • Albumin


                                    FETAL SKULL
Fetal skull is the bony part which protects the fetal brain & has to pass through the maternal pelvis to be born.

Parts of fetal skull:
  • Vault
  • Face 
  • Base

Bones of vault:
  • Frontal bones-2
  • Parietal bones-2
  • Occipital bone-1
  • Temporal bones-2

Sutures of vault:
  • Frontal suture: Between 2 frontal bones
  • Coronal suture: Between frontal & parietal bone
  • Saggital suture: Between 2 parietal bones
  • Lamdoidal suture: Between parietal & occipital bone
  • Squamous suture: Between Temporal & parietal bone on either side.

Regions of fetal skull:
  • Vertex: A quadrangular area bounded anteriorly by bregma & coronal suture Posteriorly by lamda & lamdoidal sutures & laterally by parietal eminence.
  • Brow: An area bounded by bregma & coronal sutures on one side & root of nose & supra orbital ridges on either side.
  • Face: Area bounded by root of nose & supra orbital ridges on one side & by the junction of floor of mouth with neck on the other side.
  • Sinciput: An area lying in front of anterior fontanel & corresponds to area of brow.
  • Occiput: Area limited to occipital bone.

Landmarks of fetal skull:
  • Vertex
  • Face
  • Brow
  • Glabella
  • Occiput
  • Sinciput
  • Mentum
  • Parietal eminence

Fontanelles of fetal skull:
Wide gap in the suture line is called fontanel.
  • Also called as bregma
  • Shape: diamond
  • Bounded by:
  • Anteriorly- Frontal bone
  • Posteriorly- Saggital suture
  • Laterally- Coronal suture
  • Floor is made by membrane
  • Measures- 3-4 * 1.5-2.5 cm.
  • Ossification  at 18 months
Importance of anterior fontanel:
  • Denotes degree of flexion by palpation during vaginal examination.
  • Facilitates moulding
  • Helps in accommodating fetal brain growth as the brain becomes almost double in size at the first year of life.
  • Palpation of it reflects intracranial status: 
  • Depressed- Dehydration 
  • Elevated: Raised intracranial tension
  • Blood collection or exchange transfussion in case of scalp infusion.
  • Withdrawal of CSF .

  • Formed by junction of 3 sutures
  • bounded by:
  • Anteriorly- saggital suture
  • Laterally- lamdoidal suture
  • Shape- Triangular
  • Measures about- 1.2 * 1.2 cm
  • Ossification- 3 months.

Saggital fontanelle & Posteriolateral fontanelle both on either side have no clinical implications.

  • Sliding of bones under each other thereby reducing diameters of fetal skull is called as moulding.
  • During normal delivery an moulding of 4 mm diameter is common.
  • Grade 1- Bones are not touching each other & no overlapping.
  • Grade 2- Overlapping but easily separated.
  • Grade 3-  Fixed overlapping

Diameters of fetal skull:
1] Anterioposterior diameters
2] Transverse diameters

1] Anterio-posterior diameters:
  • Suboccipito bregmatic diameter: Below the occipital protuberance to the center of bregma- 9.5 cm
  • Subocciputo frontal diameter: Below the occipital protuberance to the center of frontal suture- 10 cm
  • Occipito frontal diameter: From occipital protuberance to glabella- 11.5 cm
  • Mento vertical diameter: Loingest diameter. From the midpoint of chin to highest point of vertex- 14cm
  • Submento vertical diameter: From the point where chin joints the neck to highest point of vertex- 11.5cm.
  • Submento bregmatic diameter: From the point where chin joints the neck to the center of bregma-     9.5cm.

2] Transverse diameters:
  • Biparietal diameter: Longest transverse diameter. distance between to parietal eminences- 9.5 cm.
  • Bitemporal diameter: Distance between 2 farthest point of coronal suture- 8 cm.
  • Supra-sub parietal diameter: From the point below 1 parietal eminence to the point placed above the other parietal eminence on opposite side - 8.5 cm.
  • Bimastoid diameter: Distance between 2 mastoid process- 7.5 cm.

Clinical Implications:
  • The sutures & fontanels are used for identification of presentation & position of fetus.
  • The engaging diameter is an important factor that determines the progress of labor.

110 - Nursing Exams Questions & Answers - Svastham Exemplar

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